"Muming card has been picked up to see your results." Qi Shaochen came over and looked at Muming sincerely.

Cheng Man saw Qi Shaochen punch into his chest and greeted him. "I’m your partner for many years and don’t say hello when I come back."
Qi Shaochen dodged his fist and didn’t hide, but it was a course of disease. If Mann’s fist was not injured, he would also be injured.
He laughed. "Don’t worry about these things. Come and join in the fun if you can’t be cooked any more."
"This taste is really unique. No wonder the villagers will find it." Muming directly ignored the two of them and walked to the dead.
Came to the scene to know the degree of body odor Cheng Man will fill in the information and ordered people to set up a field autopsy shed to carry the dead into a simple shed and put it on a wooden board, and then let people go out and take over the investigation box from Chen Jun in one hand and prepare to lift the curtain and go in for autopsy.
"Wood, etc. I’ll introduce you to an assistant." Cheng Man stopped Muming Muming and turned around and blinked. She never seemed to need an assistant.
Without tacit understanding, the assistant will interfere with her work like ultraviolet rays interfere with the skin.
"Hello, Ghost Sister, I’m Yu Han, the new assistant." Yu Han held out her hand and her face turned red with excitement. In front of her, she was a genius in forensic medicine! Now that she has seen so many people at school who want to meet, her heart is like waves shaking and surging!
☆、2尾 熟练解剖留助手
Section 2
I’m sorry, but it’s sincere and urgent. She finally applied for the job. She must stay or the family funds will turn around!
Mu Ming turned to look at the cold after a series of disinfection with gloves. "Don’t tell me you can’t even disinfect?" Doubt is more like persecution.
Since she needs a chance, she will give it to her.
In the cold to seven heart instant stability ghost elder sister this is willing to give her a chance? ! Press the excitement and nod your head heavily.
Wear clothes to make sure the bacteria are in the cold. Everything is ready opposite Muming.
Mu Ming squinted at the cold and woke up. "I need an assistant and I don’t need her superb technical ability. I need her to have a tacit understanding with me."
Yu Han knew that this sentence was to tell her that she nodded "Yes!"
Mu Ming finished this sentence and studied the corpse very seriously.
The body organs and tissues of the deceased have rotted from the outside, and the body is oozing water and spreading on the board, the skeletal muscle is exposed, and there is a big pit in the heart and kidney, but there are no signs of internal organs.
The effluent stinks or the whole body stinks, but fortunately, there are few maggots scattered at the touch of it!
It is no wonder that Yu Han will want to vomit. When a novice sees this scene for the first time, he can’t blame Muming for giving her an extra chance.
In the cold, looking at the dead man’s brow, it never loosened, but it became tighter and tighter. She held her hand tightly and breathed from slow to rapid. Muming glanced at her as if to say, "Your breathing is bothering me." In the cold, the pupils shrank and hurriedly turned their heads and breathed a little less.
"Look at" Muming don’t let her cold way if even this level can’t be accepted, then pack up before it’s too late! She doesn’t stay around for nothing!
In the cold, the body shivered and turned away from looking at Muming’s anatomy. She studied forensic medicine, but in general, the teacher at school was not so real and bloody.
Mu Ming didn’t even lift his head. He played with the scalpel in his palm, cut the rib muscle with a "T-shaped" cutting method, and stood by and watched dumbfounded.
This is so … skilled!
From the initial nausea to the appreciation of Muming’s skilled skills, he gradually adapted to the cold, and it is also a visual enjoyment to appreciate Muming’s anatomy.
"Record" in the cold, a tingle took back my thoughts, and my hand quickly turned to hold a ballpoint pen and looked at Mu Ming with clear eyes.
"The deceased woman, her body was damaged, she was about 22 years old, and her body and other important organs disappeared …"
Hard work! Muming speaks faster than Han and writes faster. Muminggen doesn’t give Yu Han a chance to rest. One message after another pops out of her mouth.
Mu Ming’s tweezers turned over the flesh and eyes of the deceased, and the light was clear and moving, but no one could appreciate the beauty in the face of the autopsy site, although this beauty had fatal temptation.
After the autopsy, Mu Ming’s eyes were cold and his hands moved to cover the body, and the white cloth fell on the body again.
Take off the disposable gloves, put the scalpel back into the investigation box after disinfection, look up and go out with the investigation box in the cold.
Does not mean that the cold reaction lifts the curtain cloth out of the anatomical shed. Cheng Man rubs it up as soon as he sees her, and seems to have been waiting outside the door.

"Muming card has been picked up to see your results." Qi Shaochen came over and looked at Muming sincerely.

Cheng Man saw Qi Shaochen punch into his chest and greeted him. "I’m your partner for many years and don’t say hello when I come back."
Qi Shaochen dodged his fist and didn’t hide, but it was a course of disease. If Mann’s fist was not injured, he would also be injured.
He laughed. "Don’t worry about these things. Come and join in the fun if you can’t be cooked any more."
"This taste is really unique. No wonder the villagers will find it." Muming directly ignored the two of them and walked to the dead.
Came to the scene to know the degree of body odor Cheng Man will fill in the information and ordered people to set up a field autopsy shed to carry the dead into a simple shed and put it on a wooden board, and then let people go out and take over the investigation box from Chen Jun in one hand and prepare to lift the curtain and go in for autopsy.
"Wood, etc. I’ll introduce you to an assistant." Cheng Man stopped Muming Muming and turned around and blinked. She never seemed to need an assistant.
Without tacit understanding, the assistant will interfere with her work like ultraviolet rays interfere with the skin.
"Hello, Ghost Sister, I’m Yu Han, the new assistant." Yu Han held out her hand and her face turned red with excitement. In front of her, she was a genius in forensic medicine! Now that she has seen so many people at school who want to meet, her heart is like waves shaking and surging!
☆、2尾 熟练解剖留助手
Section 2
I’m sorry, but it’s sincere and urgent. She finally applied for the job. She must stay or the family funds will turn around!
Mu Ming turned to look at the cold after a series of disinfection with gloves. "Don’t tell me you can’t even disinfect?" Doubt is more like persecution.
Since she needs a chance, she will give it to her.
In the cold to seven heart instant stability ghost elder sister this is willing to give her a chance? ! Press the excitement and nod your head heavily.
Wear clothes to make sure the bacteria are in the cold. Everything is ready opposite Muming.
Mu Ming squinted at the cold and woke up. "I need an assistant and I don’t need her superb technical ability. I need her to have a tacit understanding with me."
Yu Han knew that this sentence was to tell her that she nodded "Yes!"
Mu Ming finished this sentence and studied the corpse very seriously.
The body organs and tissues of the deceased have rotted from the outside, and the body is oozing water and spreading on the board, the skeletal muscle is exposed, and there is a big pit in the heart and kidney, but there are no signs of internal organs.
The effluent stinks or the whole body stinks, but fortunately, there are few maggots scattered at the touch of it!
It is no wonder that Yu Han will want to vomit. When a novice sees this scene for the first time, he can’t blame Muming for giving her an extra chance.
In the cold, looking at the dead man’s brow, it never loosened, but it became tighter and tighter. She held her hand tightly and breathed from slow to rapid. Muming glanced at her as if to say, "Your breathing is bothering me." In the cold, the pupils shrank and hurriedly turned their heads and breathed a little less.
"Look at" Muming don’t let her cold way if even this level can’t be accepted, then pack up before it’s too late! She doesn’t stay around for nothing!
In the cold, the body shivered and turned away from looking at Muming’s anatomy. She studied forensic medicine, but in general, the teacher at school was not so real and bloody.
Mu Ming didn’t even lift his head. He played with the scalpel in his palm, cut the rib muscle with a "T-shaped" cutting method, and stood by and watched dumbfounded.
This is so … skilled!
From the initial nausea to the appreciation of Muming’s skilled skills, he gradually adapted to the cold, and it is also a visual enjoyment to appreciate Muming’s anatomy.
"Record" in the cold, a tingle took back my thoughts, and my hand quickly turned to hold a ballpoint pen and looked at Mu Ming with clear eyes.
"The deceased woman, her body was damaged, she was about 22 years old, and her body and other important organs disappeared …"
Hard work! Muming speaks faster than Han and writes faster. Muminggen doesn’t give Yu Han a chance to rest. One message after another pops out of her mouth.
Mu Ming’s tweezers turned over the flesh and eyes of the deceased, and the light was clear and moving, but no one could appreciate the beauty in the face of the autopsy site, although this beauty had fatal temptation.
After the autopsy, Mu Ming’s eyes were cold and his hands moved to cover the body, and the white cloth fell on the body again.
Take off the disposable gloves, put the scalpel back into the investigation box after disinfection, look up and go out with the investigation box in the cold.
Does not mean that the cold reaction lifts the curtain cloth out of the anatomical shed. Cheng Man rubs it up as soon as he sees her, and seems to have been waiting outside the door.


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  • 在我国按摩界,有一位享誉盛名的人物,他就是被誉为“上海按摩界泰斗”的陈老先生。陈老先生从事按摩行业已有五十余年,他凭借精湛的技艺、高尚的医德和深厚的文化底蕴,赢得了无数患者的赞誉和同行的尊敬。

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