This is really not a person.

"There is no doubt that the tide of disaster will not end. It will continue until … the evil spirit awakens completely."
The moon Lord slowly opens his mouth
She knows that there are still many questions about this powerful human being, and she will come together.
"The war a few years ago?"
"I waited for the three of us to use most of the light handle power. We disturbed the twisted Heihe River and were defeated."
"If the state of awakening in Heihe was distorted at that time …" She must have fallen.
More specific details, she explained clearly
Because memory is also polluted, it will continue to pollute her body, and she blurs this part of her memory.
She vaguely remembers that she had a face-to-face meeting with an evil god a long time ago, but that memory was broken.
"Will Baal fight and fight after waking up? Maybe, maybe not. "
"Evil gods are deadly enemies, but they want to hope that all evil gods will lose each other to win their lives?"
Many people think so.
There are also many ancient people who hold such ideas.
You can’t blame them.
In the eyes of evil spirits, human beings and ancient people are indeed very important, far from killing them, and evil spirits are also involved.
The moon Lord revealed a shocking secret.
"Evil gods have always had a statue. They are not only hostile, but also want to devour each other."
"If the evil spirits don’t fight each other, they will … devour and give birth to the true original evil spirits."
Chapter five hundred and thirty Breakthrough cruise
There is an evil god and there is one!
This deity in this world is not a complete form or they are just a part of the original deity.
This secret is really big!
Fang You was really surprised, but maybe Baal is the insurmountable mountain hanging over his head, and he doesn’t have much fear if the mountain is raised higher.
After all, you have to face it!
Seeing his thoughts, the moon Lord sighed slightly, but she wouldn’t persuade him.
After all, she tasted it herself, didn’t she? No one can realize that desperate terror without really facing the evil spirit.
She said, "I didn’t discover this big secret until I confronted the twisted Heihe River directly a few years ago, but they didn’t know the true nature of the evil spirit in this form."
This is also the reason why they were shrouded in despair after the war and no longer considered fighting against the root of evil spirits.
Evil spirits are invincible!
But Fang You had a different opinion after listening to it.
It is true that a single evil god can easily defeat the three great powers of the Sun God, the Moon Lord and the Stars Lord, and such terror is actually a part of the’ real evil god’ body.
Who listened to despair.
But if you think from another angle …
"Evil spirits came from outside the universe and spread filth and mystery, which changed the whole world environment and the practice of the world from the root … This kind of suspicion is much higher than the tenth world."
The world of deceit was not called the world of deceit.
No one knows exactly what it is called. The word "paradox" is engraved into the mind of every living thing in this universe as if it were a common sense concept.
Nowadays, the mysterious world, including ancient gods, practices mystical body, and the source is this indescribable evil god.
Is it so easy to leave home and surpass others?
"We can assume that the original evil spirit is in a higher position, which is indescribable, unspeakable and unpredictable. His arrival has directly changed the basic rules of the world."
"But for some reason, the original evil god fell and split into this statue of’ ordinary evil god’."
"Distorted evil spirits such as Heihe River and Scarlet Moon are indeed formidable, but at least there is no insurmountable gap between us and these evil spirits, which means that we have the possibility to defeat them."
Yue advocated opening his mouth and deliberately refuting it, but it seems quite reasonable to think about the theory of the fire-paying tutor.
No, the problem is that they don’t have the ability to defeat even a single ordinary evil god
You can’t afford it, can you?
Wait, I seem to have been bypassed. How dare you add the prefix’ ordinary’ to the indescribable evil spirit?
But Fang You’s insipid words still touched her slightly.
She took a deep breath. "If you want to confront evil spirits head-on, you need to be careful about their filth."
"Evil spirits are the source of pollution. Fighting with them directly, even if it is the law or the power of the handle, will lead to their own pollution."
"These filth are very powerful and extremely difficult to get rid of."
"In fact, in those days, some ancient people joined the Baal camp and believed in Baal physically and mentally … At that time, we understood that these ancient people were forced to believe, not voluntarily."
"When you are contaminated with too much evil, you will have irreversible pollution, and if this pollution reaches a certain level, then … then you will become an evil waiter."
Fang You hasn’t experienced the feeling of being polluted for a long time.
You may have to be careful to go deep into the polluted sea in the mythical realm, but to enter the high realm is the high position of the mysterious giant, or you can’t be polluted and out of control if you die by yourself.
Dirty is a big threat to ordinary people and low-level awakened people, but it is not even debuff to the strong.
On the panel, the column "pollution level" including others has always been%
Occasionally, fighting with evil waiters and high-ranking evil spirits will increase slightly by 3% and 5%, but it will fall back to% after a short rest.
Uh, but …
"The LV recovery speed of Apostolic Dormitory+5% can also reduce its own pollution level at a moderate speed to the best state in the current state."
Maybe, maybe, maybe it’s that their recovery is more powerful.
Or maybe the Apostolic Dormitory was a little inconspicuous and he ignored it.
Wait a minute, which means that the main body of the moon is still rooted in a lot of filth?’
She didn’t hide the fact that the moon master was injured.

This is really not a person.

"There is no doubt that the tide of disaster will not end. It will continue until … the evil spirit awakens completely."
The moon Lord slowly opens his mouth
She knows that there are still many questions about this powerful human being, and she will come together.
"The war a few years ago?"
"I waited for the three of us to use most of the light handle power. We disturbed the twisted Heihe River and were defeated."
"If the state of awakening in Heihe was distorted at that time …" She must have fallen.
More specific details, she explained clearly
Because memory is also polluted, it will continue to pollute her body, and she blurs this part of her memory.
She vaguely remembers that she had a face-to-face meeting with an evil god a long time ago, but that memory was broken.
"Will Baal fight and fight after waking up? Maybe, maybe not. "
"Evil gods are deadly enemies, but they want to hope that all evil gods will lose each other to win their lives?"
Many people think so.
There are also many ancient people who hold such ideas.
You can’t blame them.
In the eyes of evil spirits, human beings and ancient people are indeed very important, far from killing them, and evil spirits are also involved.
The moon Lord revealed a shocking secret.
"Evil gods have always had a statue. They are not only hostile, but also want to devour each other."
"If the evil spirits don’t fight each other, they will … devour and give birth to the true original evil spirits."
Chapter five hundred and thirty Breakthrough cruise
There is an evil god and there is one!
This deity in this world is not a complete form or they are just a part of the original deity.
This secret is really big!
Fang You was really surprised, but maybe Baal is the insurmountable mountain hanging over his head, and he doesn’t have much fear if the mountain is raised higher.
After all, you have to face it!
Seeing his thoughts, the moon Lord sighed slightly, but she wouldn’t persuade him.
After all, she tasted it herself, didn’t she? No one can realize that desperate terror without really facing the evil spirit.
She said, "I didn’t discover this big secret until I confronted the twisted Heihe River directly a few years ago, but they didn’t know the true nature of the evil spirit in this form."
This is also the reason why they were shrouded in despair after the war and no longer considered fighting against the root of evil spirits.
Evil spirits are invincible!
But Fang You had a different opinion after listening to it.
It is true that a single evil god can easily defeat the three great powers of the Sun God, the Moon Lord and the Stars Lord, and such terror is actually a part of the’ real evil god’ body.
Who listened to despair.
But if you think from another angle …
"Evil spirits came from outside the universe and spread filth and mystery, which changed the whole world environment and the practice of the world from the root … This kind of suspicion is much higher than the tenth world."
The world of deceit was not called the world of deceit.
No one knows exactly what it is called. The word "paradox" is engraved into the mind of every living thing in this universe as if it were a common sense concept.
Nowadays, the mysterious world, including ancient gods, practices mystical body, and the source is this indescribable evil god.
Is it so easy to leave home and surpass others?
"We can assume that the original evil spirit is in a higher position, which is indescribable, unspeakable and unpredictable. His arrival has directly changed the basic rules of the world."
"But for some reason, the original evil god fell and split into this statue of’ ordinary evil god’."
"Distorted evil spirits such as Heihe River and Scarlet Moon are indeed formidable, but at least there is no insurmountable gap between us and these evil spirits, which means that we have the possibility to defeat them."
Yue advocated opening his mouth and deliberately refuting it, but it seems quite reasonable to think about the theory of the fire-paying tutor.
No, the problem is that they don’t have the ability to defeat even a single ordinary evil god
You can’t afford it, can you?
Wait, I seem to have been bypassed. How dare you add the prefix’ ordinary’ to the indescribable evil spirit?
But Fang You’s insipid words still touched her slightly.
She took a deep breath. "If you want to confront evil spirits head-on, you need to be careful about their filth."
"Evil spirits are the source of pollution. Fighting with them directly, even if it is the law or the power of the handle, will lead to their own pollution."
"These filth are very powerful and extremely difficult to get rid of."
"In fact, in those days, some ancient people joined the Baal camp and believed in Baal physically and mentally … At that time, we understood that these ancient people were forced to believe, not voluntarily."
"When you are contaminated with too much evil, you will have irreversible pollution, and if this pollution reaches a certain level, then … then you will become an evil waiter."
Fang You hasn’t experienced the feeling of being polluted for a long time.
You may have to be careful to go deep into the polluted sea in the mythical realm, but to enter the high realm is the high position of the mysterious giant, or you can’t be polluted and out of control if you die by yourself.
Dirty is a big threat to ordinary people and low-level awakened people, but it is not even debuff to the strong.
On the panel, the column "pollution level" including others has always been%
Occasionally, fighting with evil waiters and high-ranking evil spirits will increase slightly by 3% and 5%, but it will fall back to% after a short rest.
Uh, but …
"The LV recovery speed of Apostolic Dormitory+5% can also reduce its own pollution level at a moderate speed to the best state in the current state."
Maybe, maybe, maybe it’s that their recovery is more powerful.
Or maybe the Apostolic Dormitory was a little inconspicuous and he ignored it.
Wait a minute, which means that the main body of the moon is still rooted in a lot of filth?’
She didn’t hide the fact that the moon master was injured.


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